Cathodic protection transformer rectifier units are used for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) Systems. These units are purpose built and generally feature remote control monitoring capabilities and current interrupters.
Prior to installation, check the connections (especially the electrical connections) on the rectifier unit to ensure that nothing has become loose during shipment. It is also recommended that if any scratches occur to the enclosure during installation, that these points be touched-up to prevent corrosion on the enclosure.
Selecting the site of installation is a very important factor. The rectifier should be installed in a location that is easily accessible by company personnel for regular adjustment and maintenance. However, it should not be located in areas where unauthorized personnel have easy access to the unit and may damage or vandalize it (i.e. residential areas, playgrounds, farm yards, etc.). The convenient access to AC power and the cathodic protection DC connections must also be considered when choosing the rectifier location. More..